
May 2024

2024, a pivotal year

I'm running and voting to end homelessness!

For the 17th participation of Street Nurses in the 20 KM of Brussels, we are focusing on the particular political context of this year. Indeed, 2024 represents a pivotal moment: a "super-electoral" year that combines the European, legislative and regional elections on Sunday 9 June with the local elections on Sunday 13 October.

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May 2024

Team Street Nurses runs Brussels 20KM and votes for housing

Balloon and QR code unravel political views on homelessness.

Brussels, 26 May 2024

Under the slogan "We walk and vote for the end of homelessness", Street Nurses npo is taking part in the 20 kilometers of Brussels for the 17th time. This year's race falls just before the June 2024 elections. Street Nurses' 221 runners are therefore running with a specific T-shirt and a balloon. Via a QR code, these take the public to a web page where the Brussels party programmes are dissected according to measures that contribute to ending homelessness, with an emphasis on housing and mental health care.

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May 2024

On 9 June, vote well! A look back at the political debates on homelessness in Brussels

On 18 April, the political debate organised by the homelessness sector was attended by various members of the French-speaking parties: Delphine Chabbert (PS), Vincent De Wolf (MR), Alain Maron (Ecolo), Françoise De Smedt (PTB), Christophe De Beukelaer (Les Engagés) and Charles Hosten (DéFI).

Then, on 13 May, the Dutch-speaking debate took place with the 6 main parties: Elke Van den Brandt (Groen), Els Rochette (Vooruit.Brussels) , Benjamin Dalle (CD&V), Sven Gatz (Open Vld), Jan Busselen (PVDA), Cieltje Van Achter (N-VA).

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March 2024

SUMMARY OF THE YEAR 2023 Housing is key in saving lives.

The year 2023 was marked by two major concerns that, as always with Streetnurses, lead to action quickly: creating housing for our patients and improving their mental health.

For more information, download our summarized activity report!

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November 2023

Video: homeless people find it difficult to obtain housing

Access to decent housing is an absolute necessity to reintegrate homeless people into society. It’s the most important condition to feel better and to undertake the necessary steps at the social level or regarding one’s physical/mental health. Nevertheless, our patients encounter difficulties in obtaining a home: Eileen and Aymeric, social workers at Street Nurses, tell us about their experiences.

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October 2023

Mental health impasse blocks fight against homelessness

Mental health is one of the key elements of homelessness because it can be both the cause and the consequence of living on the street. Access to quality support and treatment is therefore essential for the sustainable reintegration of homeless patients with psychological or psychiatric disorders.

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October 2023

Radio interview with AraBel

On Monday 25 September, Street Nurses went on air with Arabel to discuss its memorandum ahead of the 2024 elections! We were delighted to be able to share our demands with Tarik Laabi and all the listeners!

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September 2023

Social housing: homeless people must be given priority

Among the precarious population in the Brussels-Capital Region, homeless people are the most vulnerable, and require rapid access to adequate housing and commensurate with their income. In order to meet its commitments and stem the growing phenomenon of homelessness, the Brussels Government must establish a quota of social housing reserved for homeless people with a valid residence permit.

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September 2023

Political memorandum: "Ending homelessness in Brussels is a political choice!"

Brussels, 20 September 2023

Ahead of the Belgian elections in June 2024, the non-profit organisation Street Nurses is publishing its political memorandum with, as its main demand, priority access to social housing for homeless people in Brussels. As the number of homeless and inadequately housed people continues to rise, it is imperative that the next Brussels government commits to the fight against homelessness through concrete measures.

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September 2023

To put an end to homelessness, we need more than punch operations

We want a genuine structural policy to end homelessness in Brussels! For the past few days, homeless and undocumented people have been in the spotlight. The Gare du Midi is now the scene of security measures aimed at putting an end to the station's persistent problems. The Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration has decided to temporarily suspend the reception of men within the Fedasil network, which will increase the number of people sleeping rough.

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May 2023

Conference report: how do we end homelessness in Belgium by 2030?

How to end homelessness in Belgium by 2030? Find here and in our new report the key elements, the highlights and the perspective of the debates of the conference “From dream to reality: ending homelessness in Belgium” held by Street Nurses in October 2022.

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March 2023

Homelessness: Minister Lalieux convinced by Housing First projects

On Tuesday 21 March 2023, part of the Street Nurses team met the Federal Minister for Social Integration and the Fight against Poverty, Karine Lalieux. On the agenda were constructive exchanges around a common vision: that of a Belgium where homelessness is no more.

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