
  • Put the fight against homelessness and its eradication on the national agenda;
  • Make an inventory of homelessness in Belgium;
  • Discover best practices and challenges in Belgium in the fight against homelessness;
  • Discuss how best to progress at the national Belgian level;
  • Unite a mixed and multiregional public around the eradication of homelessness.
Personnages assis qui montrent l'avenir


In Belgium, the number of homeless or badly housed people keeps rising and changes its profile: it includes ever more women, children, and migrants. The health and migration crises have worsened an already alarming situation and, more than ever, stress the need for immediate and structural solutions of the housing problem and for a coherent national strategy in the fight against homelessness.

In the Lisbon Declaration, Belgium and the Member States of the European Union committed themselves to formulating policies focused on the end of homelessness by 2030. What does this strategy look like, when will it be formulated and implemented? These questions can be discussed at the conference.


In different panels, participants (active in the field, academics, political representatives) will discuss the four pillars which are essential for a global plan towards the eradication of homelessness: facts, housing, support, and prevention.

Download the program here


Practical info

  • Date: Friday 14th October 2022
  • Time: from 9:00 to 18:00 
  • Address: Koninklijk Vlaamse Schouwburg (KVS) - 146 rue de Laeken, 1000 Brussels 
  • Price: €35 + administration fee

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