The idea that homeless people choose to live on the streets is deeply rooted in public opinion. However, this simplistic view hides a much more complex reality. At Street Nurses, we see the exact opposite every day: no one truly wants to live on the streets. Homelessness is a vicious cycle that is extremely difficult to break free from.

Losing hope after a series of setbacks

The people we support have often endured severe hardships: family breakdowns, mental health issues, violence, extreme poverty... In the face of so much adversity, they sometimes lose hope for a better future. When someone has been living on the streets for years without any realistic prospect of housing, it becomes difficult to imagine another life. Many end up accepting it—not because they want to live on the streets, but because they have given up hope that things could improve.

Life on the streets: an apparent choice, an illusion of control

Some people seem attached to their life on the streets and even claim to have chosen this lifestyle. This often gives them a sense of regaining control over a life marked by instability and repeated failures. We sometimes hear: "I am homeless, and there is no improvement in sight. So I might as well embrace it and make it my strength." However, in the long run, this is impossible to sustain. As the body weakens and isolation increases, the need for stable housing becomes ever more apparent.

Our experience shows that once people are housed, most do not want to return to the streets, even though the transition can be difficult. One of our patients in Liège illustrates this well. After several months in a home, he unfortunately lost his housing and ended up back on the streets. This sudden return to homelessness made him fully realize the harsh reality of life on the streets and strengthened his determination never to end up in that situation again.

patient dans son logement

Tailored support: the key to sustainable housing

When some people refuse a housing solution at a given moment, it is rarely because they are rejecting help. More often, it is a reaction to negative experiences or inadequate solutions. As our coordinating doctor, Dr. Pierre Ryckmans, explains: "It is not a rejection of housing itself, but a distrust of a system that has often let them down."

At Street Nurses, we know that a home alone is not enough—personalized support is also necessary, tailored to each person's pace and needs. That is why we work with housing partners, such as Social Real Estate Agencies, which offer a more flexible and supportive framework than traditional social housing. .

A different perspective to offer better support

Rather than judging homeless people, it is essential to understand the complexity of their situation. No, they do not refuse housing by choice; they are trapped in a survival mechanism where any change feels like a risk. By offering tailored solutions, rebuilding trust, and providing long-term support, we know that a return to stable housing is possible.

At Street Nurses, we are convinced that breaking down these misconceptions helps us take more effective action against homelessness. Because everyone has the right to a home—but also to the necessary support to remain housed.

Help us rehouse homeless people!

Let's end clichés

Homelessness is too often misunderstood and is generally based on false assumptions. What if we were to deconstruct these stereotypes?
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