In 2023, he was one of the biggest supporters during Brussels Helps' spaghetti drive, with no fewer than 300 portions sold. This year, he sponsored us for the 20 km through Brussels and ran with his team himself. And today, he and his team are once again on hand to help us cater our public comic book benefit sale. Time for a chat with Filip!

Filip Fransen is standing left of the rest of the Witlof catering team in front of the entrance of the Albertine restaurant in Brussels

How did you get the idea to start yet another catering company in Brussels?

‘I trained as a chef, but I also studied environmental sciences at the University of Antwerp. Sustainability is really the thread running through my career. After my studies, I worked for a few years as a consultant with various companies, but I felt like doing something else. So I started my first sustainable catering project: Green Gastronomy. That quickly grew into a success and I sold it to GL Events, a leading French events company.

The culinary itch remained, so two years later I started Witlof from my kitchen in Jette. At first I did mostly weddings and corporate parties, and now, 12 years later, Witlof has grown into a scale-up with 25 employees. Our sustainability charter is still at the heart of everything we do.’

It sounds like entrepreneurship has always been running through your veins! 

(laughs) ‘Yes, right. When I was 10, I bought plastic robots from my friends to take apart and use them for something completely different. I turned them into motorized boats, using parts I had soldered myself. My father taught me how to solder. I then sold those boats, and we even did competitions on the pond. Those were my first self-earned pennies!’

You are strongly committed to sustainability with Witlof.How does that manifest itself?

‘Sustainability goes much further than just working with local products. For example, we offer four different menus a year, one per season, while most catering companies only do two. We go for a combination of local products and plant-based proteins. For every piece of meat you get three times as many vegetables on your plate with us. Sustainability is in our DNA, but it is not a marketing trick. We do not engage in greenwashing. On the contrary, sustainability should be ingrained in every company.

Would you like to make a difference, just like Witlof ?

Sustainability also goes beyond the plate for us. Our team works with a horizontal management structure, without classical hierarchy. We are a team of 15 people who make decisions together. Everyone has his/her own responsibilities, and that works. In terms of working hours too, we don't want to squeeze our people. They decide their own schedule and roles, in consultation with the team.’

You have since sold Witlof, but you still remain involved?

‘True, I have sold my shares in Witlof, but I am still active on the board as well as in the kitchen. That means I no longer have to do a lot of administration, and I can now focus more on pure entrepreneurship and starting new things. I now enjoy doing that for the group and together with friends, such as brewing Lambic beer. Lovely to have time for that!’

How did you come to support Street Nurses with Witlof?

‘That actually came through a chance encounter. I was having my hair cut at a barber near café Le Fontainas in Brussels. He told me that he occasionally volunteers to cut the hair of people you accompany. That story touched me deeply, and it just felt right to support you. Witlof was doing well, so it was natural for me to give something back. That just feels right and good.

Moreover, during our work we often see homeless people when we load and unload at the back of buildings like Bozar, for example. Those places are often out of sight of passers-by, so homeless people find some peace and quiet there. It really makes you aware of their situation and how important the work of organizations like Street Nurses is.’

Be inspired by Filip's story: how he weaves sustainability into his business and combines his passion with social commitment. Together, we will end homelessness!

Do you have the sponsoring itch?