
February 2021

How did those people end up homeless?

Talking about my job helping people experiencing ‘homelessness’ prompts many responses.

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February 2021

Somewhere quiet, free from annoying neighbours

Mr. N.* is middle-aged. He is at an age where one laughs at one’s past life and starts to dread the inevitability of the future. Mr N. talks about the looming ‘deadline’, but with humour, and with a sardonic smile at the one certain thing that awaits us all.

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December 2020

Mister V. and his room mates

Mr V.* is a patient we have been following for several years, first in the street, then in housing. He is a very charming gentleman, with his heart on his hand.

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December 2020

Breaking the routine of many years

Mr. G.*, he is a patient who touches me very much. He reminds me a little of my grandfather, among other things because he is elderly.

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December 2020

I could tell you...

Today, I would like to tell you a part of Mr. J*’s story. So much could be said. I could tell you what a complex and confusing man he is. Exhausting at times.

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December 2020

Mrs. V. has an apartment!

Today, Mrs. V.* has moved into an apartment!

Quite an adventure! After two failed attempts, here we are.

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December 2020

A quick word to Mr. B.

Mr B.*....

We have known you since 2006, but you still amaze us, despite all the hardships that life asks you to overcome.

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December 2020

Mr S and his (future) four-legged friend

A few years ago, when Mr S* still lived on the streets, his beloved dog Max was stolen. This was really a hard blow for him.

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December 2020

Mr L, nice but annoying

Mr L* has been living in an accommodation for a few years.

I know him very well because I was his first contact point for more than a year.

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