
May 2021


It’s now a few months ago that I started working at Street Nurses.

Whenever I mention this, I am often asked if my work is not too difficult.

The question puzzles me each time, and my answer is always the same: no, my work is not too difficult.

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May 2021

In honor of Mr. J.

What a week! I must say that you made me feel very much alive with a cocktail of emotions: you made me laugh till I cried – but also severely tested my patience.

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April 2021

An eventful medical appointment

In this early spring, we have an appointment with Ms. V. We’ll accompany her to the hospital for an important examination. Her knee is getting much worse and she can hardly walk.

Being late is therefore out of the question.

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April 2021

A blossoming smile, a rekindled flame

Suzanne has lived on the streets of Brussels for 12 years. Thanks to intensive support from street nurses, and in collaboration with various other organisations, she now lives in a house since four years. She has just joined the "My Way" project.

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April 2021

"You will never be able to rehouse him"

Mr T.*, 65, lived isolated in a tent for years. Suffering from psychological problems, he was so disconnected from reality that his hygiene had become appalling. Moving with him was quite an epic journey because his smell was unbearable and his behaviour could be problematic. We were even told: "You will never be able to put him in housing".

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April 2021

At least he died in housing

We would have blamed ourselves if he had died on the street, it would have been very difficult for the team.

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April 2021

The difficult decision of urgent observation

A year has passed since we first met Mr H.* on the street. Many citizens had expressed their concern to us, as did the rest of the Brussels homeless network.

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April 2021

Mr. V. is smiling again

Each time we met, Mr. V. had a smile on his face. Each time we met, the magic worked, like an enchanted parenthesis.

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February 2021

My friend lost the key to his apartment!

When we arrived at Madame I.'s apartment, we found Mr. T. asleep on his doorstep. We woke him up slowly, and he told us that he’d spent the night there.

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April 2021

Take distance

Just a year ago, I took a long leave after 5 years with Street Nurses, in order to take distance, question one's professional commitment and avoid a burnout.

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March 2021

New perspectives

This week we have done a “team exchange”. This means that I, who am usually inactive in street work, have joined the “housing” team.

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March 2021

The need to get out of it

Today I accompanied Mr J to the hospital for his pre-admission interview. It’s now almost two years that I have known him. This morning he is nervous but not less determined to stop his excessive drinking habit.

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