
November 2023

For #GivingTuesday, help the most vulnerable homeless people

The very commercial Black Friday has just passed... It has been tempting to spend money on things we don't always need. It is true that all these promotions are designed to distract us from what really matters: people.

So this year, make a different decision that will have a real impact on the lives of the most vulnerable homeless people: donate to Street Nurses.

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November 2023

Get patients off the street: the importance of their own skills

Getting homeless people off the street and housing them permanently requires persistence and perseverance. In that process, relaxed and comfortable moments are just as important as medical-social counseling. They allow us, with our patients, to identify and use their own skills for their sustainable reintegration.

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November 2023

Street nurses Liège: what does a day in the field look like?

By the end of 2023, Liège Street Nurses needs €50,000 to finance its action with the most vulnerable homeless people. But what does this action actually consist of? Here is a brief overview of what a day could look like for the Liège team!

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October 2023

Three reasons for you to support Street Nurses’ action in Liège

This autumn, Street Nurses launched a campaign to raise, by the end of 2023, €50,000 for its work against homelessness in Liège. This sum will enable us to maintain our capacity to support our homeless and rehoused patients.

You can make a difference: here are three concrete reasons to make a donation.

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October 2023

Amy from Street Nurses: “It's not our job that's difficult, it's the society we live in!”

Operating since 2019, the Liège Street Nurses team has 10 people and aims to get homeless people in extremely precarious situations off the streets, and reintegrate them sustainably into housing and society. By the end of 2023, Street Nurses is looking for €50,000 to fund her activities.

Interview with two Street Nurses field workers: nurse Amy, 27, who joined a year ago, and social worker Doriane, 35, who joined 3 years ago.

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October 2023

“Brussel helpt”: take part in the world's biggest spaghetti dinner, in favour of Street Nurses!

As the cold season approaches, BRUZZ is warming hearts with an extraordinary event aiming to raise money for Street Nurses’ fight against homelessness. How? By holding spaghetti dinners across Brussels and beyond on 25 November. Will you join us?

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October 2023

Mental health impasse blocks fight against homelessness

Mental health is one of the key elements of homelessness because it can be both the cause and the consequence of living on the street. Access to quality support and treatment is therefore essential for the sustainable reintegration of homeless patients with psychological or psychiatric disorders.

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October 2023

Radio interview with AraBel

On Monday 25 September, Street Nurses went on air with Arabel to discuss its memorandum ahead of the 2024 elections! We were delighted to be able to share our demands with Tarik Laabi and all the listeners!

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September 2023

Social housing: homeless people must be given priority

Among the precarious population in the Brussels-Capital Region, homeless people are the most vulnerable, and require rapid access to adequate housing and commensurate with their income. In order to meet its commitments and stem the growing phenomenon of homelessness, the Brussels Government must establish a quota of social housing reserved for homeless people with a valid residence permit.

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September 2023

Political memorandum: "Ending homelessness in Brussels is a political choice!"

Brussels, 20 September 2023

Ahead of the Belgian elections in June 2024, the non-profit organisation Street Nurses is publishing its political memorandum with, as its main demand, priority access to social housing for homeless people in Brussels. As the number of homeless and inadequately housed people continues to rise, it is imperative that the next Brussels government commits to the fight against homelessness through concrete measures.

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September 2023

The Module Sweet Home project is growing

It was summer 2022... Thanks to your huge participation in our crowdfunding, we were able to raise 45.000€ for the building of modular housing in 2022. At that time, six modules were already installed on the Barcelona site in Forest and we were planning to invest in a new site in Neder-over-Heembeek. That's how far we've come!

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September 2023

Principles for the health of homeless people

In the framework of the European project Proximity Health, in response to the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Street Nurses participated in exchanges with other European organizations active in the fight against homelessness. This project led to the formulation of recommendations for the accompaniment of homeless people.

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