
July 2024

Thank you all forcoming to the 20 km!

Thank you all for taking part in this year's 20 km! Thanks to you, we raised an incredible €17,354, more than meeting our original target. It's a record for us!

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May 2024

2024, a pivotal year

I'm running and voting to end homelessness!

For the 17th participation of Street Nurses in the 20 KM of Brussels, we are focusing on the particular political context of this year. Indeed, 2024 represents a pivotal moment: a "super-electoral" year that combines the European, legislative and regional elections on Sunday 9 June with the local elections on Sunday 13 October.

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May 2024

Team Street Nurses runs Brussels 20KM and votes for housing

Balloon and QR code unravel political views on homelessness.

Brussels, 26 May 2024

Under the slogan "We walk and vote for the end of homelessness", Street Nurses npo is taking part in the 20 kilometers of Brussels for the 17th time. This year's race falls just before the June 2024 elections. Street Nurses' 221 runners are therefore running with a specific T-shirt and a balloon. Via a QR code, these take the public to a web page where the Brussels party programmes are dissected according to measures that contribute to ending homelessness, with an emphasis on housing and mental health care.

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May 2024

On 9 June, vote well! A look back at the political debates on homelessness in Brussels

On 18 April, the political debate organised by the homelessness sector was attended by various members of the French-speaking parties: Delphine Chabbert (PS), Vincent De Wolf (MR), Alain Maron (Ecolo), Françoise De Smedt (PTB), Christophe De Beukelaer (Les Engagés) and Charles Hosten (DéFI).

Then, on 13 May, the Dutch-speaking debate took place with the 6 main parties: Elke Van den Brandt (Groen), Els Rochette (Vooruit.Brussels) , Benjamin Dalle (CD&V), Sven Gatz (Open Vld), Jan Busselen (PVDA), Cieltje Van Achter (N-VA).

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April 2024

Housing is key. It saves lives! ACTIVITY REPORT 2023

Dear reader, 2023 was marked by two concerns which, as always at Streetnurses, quickly turned into action: creating housing for our patients and improving their mental health.

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March 2024

SUMMARY OF THE YEAR 2023 Housing is key in saving lives.

The year 2023 was marked by two major concerns that, as always with Streetnurses, lead to action quickly: creating housing for our patients and improving their mental health.

For more information, download our summarized activity report!

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January 2024

Participate in the 2024 Brussels 20km with Street Nurses

Join our team for the Brussels 20km on 26 May 2024, and run or walk to show your commitment to ending homelessness!

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December 2023

There is a way to end homelessness: housing

Since 2006, Street nurses have helped more than 200 people in Brussels and Liège to find a home again. As part of the campaign "Donation after donation, let's build a future for homeless people", Emilie Meessen, co-founder, and Pierre Ryckmans, physician, talk about the organisation’s commitment in caring for homeless people through housing.

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December 2023

Press release: Street Nurses launches its 2023 winter campaign

Brussels / Liège, 4 December 2023 - Street Nurses, a medical-social association that supports homeless people in Brussels and Liège in order to rehouse them on a long-term basis, is launching its winter campaign, entitled "Donation after donation, let's build a future for homeless people." The campaign runs from the end of November to the end of December, with the aim of raising public awareness of the need to end homelessness through housing, civic solidarity and the collection of donations.

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November 2023

Video: homeless people find it difficult to obtain housing

Access to decent housing is an absolute necessity to reintegrate homeless people into society. It’s the most important condition to feel better and to undertake the necessary steps at the social level or regarding one’s physical/mental health. Nevertheless, our patients encounter difficulties in obtaining a home: Eileen and Aymeric, social workers at Street Nurses, tell us about their experiences.

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November 2023

Finding a home: a real battle for homeless people in Liège

It's simple: the solution for homelessness is housing. Yet in 2023 more than 200 people still sleep in the streets of Liège. What are the challenges and how can we tackle them? Hélène, housing manager at Infirmiers de Rue Liège, gives some answers.

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November 2023

Together, let’s build a future for the homeless people

It is 2023, and people are still sleeping on the streets in unworthy conditions. They are more than 800 in Brussels, and more than 200 in Liège. To ensure their reintegration into society, they need access to sustainable, affordable and quality housing.

Do you want things to change too? Join us in building a world without homelessness!

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